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Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell at a legislative press conference.
politics or business as usual? Senate
Republicans have said unequivocally that it is more important to them to deny
Obama a legislative victory before an election, than it is to do the right
thing for our nation’s men and women in uniform.
the Veterans Jobs Corps Act of 2012, was a $1 billion jobs package that proposed
the establishment of a veterans jobs corps that would have put up to 20,000
veterans to work in their local communities over the next five years.
bill, which came up on the senate floor for a vote on Wednesday, September 19,
called for job openings to be created in “conservation, resource management,
and historic preservation projects on public lands and maintenance and
improvement projects for cemeteries under the jurisdiction of the National
Cemetery Administration; and as firefighters and law enforcement officers.”
in true form, however, senate Republicans, many of whom had spent the better
part of the Republican National Convention touting the importance of job
creation and veterans’ benefits, voted rank-and-file against the bill, merely
to deny President Obama a legislative victory before the general election in
what are we telling the some 800,000 unemployed veterans in this country? What message are we sending to the next
generation? That it is okay to place
politics ahead of the needs of our nation’s defenders; the men and women who
sacrificed and bled bravely for our country? Need we even be reminded of how many of these
men and women never came home? Is their
memory and the honor, courage and sacrifice of those veterans who did make it
home not worth the commitment of our government to do the right thing, partisan
politics aside?
about all these politicians who spend so much time saying that caring for
America’s veterans is our country’s “most sacred duty”?
fact is, it’s a national disgrace that veterans’ unemployment is 14 percent,”
said Sen. John McCain, directly to the face of veteran and citizen journalist
Meg Lanker-Simons at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, “That’s a
national disgrace. And we’ve got to try to find more ways and better ways to
hire veterans. And that has got to be our highest priority.”
on, Sen. McCain! Well said! Few people in this country would disagree.
why then, a few short weeks later, did you vote to kill the Veterans Jobs Corps
Act, right before you voted yourself and your fellow senators on vacation for
the remainder of the election?
already have six veterans’ job-training programs, but what the heck? Let’s, ah,
let's have another one,” said McCain in a sarcastic tone on the floor of the
United States Senate. I wonder, where,
then, was all this “national disgrace” impetus that characterized his remarks
to that veteran at the RNC?
of meeting us halfway, we have been met with resistance. Instead of saying yes
to the nearly 1 million unemployed veterans, it seems some on the other side
have spent the last week and a half seeking any way to say no,” said Democratic
Sen. Patty Murray of Washington.
there we’ve hit the proverbial nail right on the head, haven’t we? From as far back as 2009’s rise of the Tea
Party to Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell’s now infamous remark
that “our top political priority over the next two years ought to be to deny
President Obama a second term,” Republicans have held the progress of our
nation hostage merely so that they can attempt to win back the White House, and
get themselves re-elected.
they shoot down legislation intended to bolster the economy and create jobs, so
that they can stand on their soap boxes and point their fingers at President Obama
for his “failed economic policies”.
no mistake folks, the failure is not President Obama’s. The failure is with the party that sabotages
the political process in order to accuse a President of failures that are not
his own, but are instead failures of the party. The failure is with any
politician who puts political ambition or the party line before the job the
American people elected them to do; that which is in the best interest of the
country and its citizens.
an effort to get re-elected as well as to deny President Obama a second term, senate
Republicans have said to the electorate that their political future is more
important to them than our veterans. But
this should come as no surprise. They
have repeatedly said that their political future is more important to them than
middle class families, civil rights, balanced budgets, healthcare, or
jobs. Why should our nation’s veterans
fare any differently on their list of priorities?