E.J. OAKLORE is many things; a writer, philosopher, artist, Pagan clergy, and a self-styled "occasional thinker of inspired thoughts." Read his full bio HERE.
FREELANCE WRITER, AWARD-WINNING ESSAYIST AND POET, E.J. OAKLORE (who has also written under the pseudonym E.J. Haley) brings his humor, nonsensical musings, philosophical treatise, and political commentary to life in his blog, which he describes as "having no particular aim other than to be thoughtful, relevant, and occasionally funny."
“I shudder to think that life is a thing as
contrived as a choice between political parties, or the identification with one
subculture or another. Life is a beautiful Divine gift. It is a shame we are so
compelled to live it by such limited definitions, and that the affect of our
motivations in these respects are so far-reaching. Can we not simply lift
ourselves above the fray, understand that what makes us good is our
compassion, and for God's sake, aim to be better than the
petty arguments of the past?”
— E.J. OakLore